Gatwick drone debacle – Darragh Connell comments in the Law Society Gazette

Plane flying over London

The apparent sighting of unauthorised drones at Gatwick Airport lead to widespread flight disruption in December 2018. The prospect of prosecuting the (as yet unidentified) individual(s) responsible for the misuse of the alleged drones has brought into sharp focus the legal principles that apply in the UK and across Europe to drone flights.

More broadly, for authorised drone operators, the fragmentation of regulatory governance in this area is particularly concerning in light of the likely importance of commercial drone usage to future economic development. Barristers at Forum Chambers are frequently instructed to advise on legal issues concerning commercial drone usage.

Forum barrister, Darragh Connell, and Robyn Allardice-Bourne, a solicitor at Maddox Legal, have recently published a joint opinion piece in the Law Society Gazette considering the above issues. The article is available to read here.

Should you have any legal queries concerning commercial drone usage, please do not hesitate to contact the clerks at Forum:

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